First night instructions
Your baby is born! The first 24 hours with your baby can be exciting. That is why we provide tips and advice for the first 24 hours after delivery, after the maternity nurse has left on the 1st maternity day or when you have returned home in the evening after giving birth in the hospital. After all, such a first night together and alone with your baby can raise questions.
Points of attention and advice
A first night alone with your baby can be quite exciting. Moreover, you still have to get to know your baby. Sometimes you hardly hear the baby, or you hear the baby moaning or sighing loudly. That can raise questions. That is why we give you some tips and advice below so that you can get through the first 24 hours with peace of mind.
Maternity woman
- try to urinate regularly
- go to the shower or toilet under supervision
- you may have painful aftereffects
- Consult with your midwife whether you can use paracetamol
- change the maternity towel every 2 to 3 hours
- you may lose fist-sized clots, this is normal
- If 2 maternity towels are soaked within 30 minutes, call the midwife immediately!
- The baby's temperature should be between 36.5 and 37.5 degrees
- If the temperature is lower than 36.5, place your baby skin to skin with a hat on.
- if the temperature is higher than 37.5, dress the baby less warmly
- Temperature again after 1 hour, both at high and low temperatures
- does the temperature not improve? Then call the midwife
- Only use a hot water bottle to preheat the crib. See usage advice for jugs
Sleep safely
- keep the baby in the room with you
- Place the baby on the back in the crib or bed
- let the baby sleep in its own crib or crib
- Do not use a duvet for the baby, but a sheet or blanket
- a safe crib or bed is free of cuddly toys, head protectors, and side pillows
- use a cuddle cloth instead of cuddly toys
- don't smoke in the house
- view on Sleep safely
- view photos showing safe and not safe on image bank safe sleep
Change the baby regularly
- there may be an orange/pink urine discharge in the diaper. these are urate crystals. This disappears as the baby drinks more
- Girls sometimes have some blood in their diapers, this is normal
- the first stool is black in color and sticky. This is called meconium
- check the navel during changing, it should not bleed
- the baby may feel nauseous for the first 24 hours. This can be caused by swallowing blood and/or amniotic fluid.
Breastfeeding or formula feeding
- try to latch the baby often, on average every 3 hours, but earlier is also possible
- make sure the baby's tummy is against your stomach
- make sure the baby takes a big bite when latching on
- the baby must not only take the nipple in its mouth, but also part of the areola
- the tabs should be curled outwards
- the entire jaw moves while drinking, then the baby drinks well
- the baby may sleep a lot the first night and drink little, that is normal
- the baby has sufficient reserves for the first 24 hours
- keep trying every few hours by holding the baby against your body
- formula; offer 10 milliliters of food approximately every 3 hours
- preparing artificial food; follow the instructions on the packaging
Your baby is crying
There can be several reasons why the baby is crying;
- the baby is too cold or too hot
- the baby wants a clean diaper
- the baby needs to suck, you can put the baby to the breast
- the baby wants to be with you, hold the baby and cuddle your baby
- above all, stay calm and relax

Maternity care
Bby Zorg is there for one safe start for mothers, newborn baby and her family.

Sleep safely
Bby Zorg follows the national guidelines with regard to safe sleeping

Lactation care
Bby Zorg also offers lactation care by an IBCLC certified lactation consultant
We are ready for you!
Do you want to apply for maternity care? Then fill it registration form in.
Gildeweg 12, 2632 BA Nootdorp
+85 050 80 80