A lactation consultant is a certified healthcare professional who focuses on mothers who breastfeed their babies. To start with, she provides information and transfers her knowledge and expertise to mothers to prevent, recognize and solve breastfeeding problems.

Bby Zorg employs certified (IBCLC) lactation consultants who can provide extra support and guidance if (breast)feeding is not going well.

A lactation consultant is a specialist in the field of breastfeeding.

Most health insurers reimburse lactation care in whole or in part through supplementary insurance. Always check your policy conditions to see whether you are eligible for reimbursement.

Conditions that apply to this;

1. The lactation consultant is a recognized International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and is affiliated with the Dutch Association for Lactation Consultants (NVL). A lactation consultant member of the NVL is obliged to state her NVL membership number on the invoice.

2. There is a referral to a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) from the general practitioner, midwife or clinic doctor. In most cases, this referral takes place via the referral protocol.


Condition 1 applies to the following insurers; De Friesland, Nationale Nederlanden, Interpolis, Menzis, OHRA, ONVZ, PNO Zorg, Pro Life, Salland, Zorgdirect, United Consumers, VGZ, VvAA, Zilveren Kruis and Zorg & Zekerheid.

Condition 2 applies to the following insurers; De Friesland, Nationale Nederlanden, IZA, IZZ, UMC, Pro Life and VGZ.

A lactation consultant is not responsible for whether or not the care is reimbursed by an insurer. The services provided must be paid for by the care recipient. The care recipient can submit the invoice to the health insurer as a declaration.

How does the Lactation Consultant help?


Breastfeeding is very natural. Yet sometimes it does not always happen automatically. Our Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) can help meet these challenges;

  1. Construction problems
  2. Refusal of the breast
  3. Pain complaints when feeding
  4. Recurrent and/or incipient mastitis
  5. Insufficient milk production
  6. Inadequate growth of the baby
  7. Premature birth
  8. Breastfeeding for multiples
  9. Illness or disability in mother/baby
  10. Starting breastfeeding again (relactation)
  11. Information/advice about pumping
  12. Breastfeeding and working
  13. Breastfeeding and medication use
  14. Other (breast) feeding questions


Need a breast pump? 

Do you temporarily need a pumping device and/or pumping aids during your maternity period? Ask your maternity nurse about the options and help that Bby Zorg can offer.